Favorite Protein Powder

Many people have been asking me what my favorite protein powder is. I have tried a lot of different protein powders trying to find the right one. There are a lot of different powders out there all claiming to be "good tasting" high in "nutritional value" and the like. Well after trying a lot of different powders, my favorite thus far had to be the "Vega" protein powder. I have tried all of their flavors which include, Berry, Vanilla, Chocolate (my favorite), and Tropical. I am not a huge fan of the berry as it smells like fruit loops, but kinda has a odd flavor and doesn't seem to mix well with anything. However, the rest of these flavors are great. I can mix them into smoothies (see other recipes) or just mix them with a liquid and drink a quick protein shake. The powder mixes really well into liquid and you are not left with a gritty or chunky texture like a lot of other protein powders. The vega powders mix smoothly into liquid. I like to mix the tropical powder with an apple or other citrus juice and the vanilla and chocolate taste really yummy mixed with almond milk. Speaking of taste, there is not a fake sweetener flavor in the mix like you get with a lot of other protein powders as they don't use any artificial sweeteners or flavors and the powder tastes exactly like it is supposed to. All of their powders are plant-biased, dairy, gluten, and soy free and are made with NO GMOs! You can buy it for around $15 a package on amazon or amazon fresh  and you will get about 12 servings (not a bad price).

I have tried the Vega One line by the sam company, and wouldn't recommend this line as highly as the taste is really sweet and doesn't have the same smoothie consistency when mixed with liquid. This  line gets really thick and has a weird vitamin aftertaste. I recommend just sticking with their "Vega Protein & Green" line. 

The Vega Smoothie line contains (dependent on flavor):

80-90 Calories (0 from fat)
0-1 gram of Fat (0 saturated or trans fat)
0mg Cholestrol
4-5 Grams of carbs
2g Sugar
15-20g Protein
2 servings of veggies

You can check their products out here: http://myvega.com


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