Transformation Tuesday (2 months in)

In June, my husband and I decided we were going to loose 10% body fat each. Before that, we had been eating less healthy then normal, and were not working out regularly. Yes, we both had crazy demanding schedules, but we were not making time for ourselves. After getting a fat caliper and taking body measurements (including weight) we both decided we were not happy with where we were at and wanted to make a change. At first, it was really hard to get our buts in the gym and regularly work out. Before deciding on this change, I was going to the gym 3-4 times per week, but all I did was either run on the treadmill or do my cardio on an elliptical. Well, I had been doing just these two things for the past 8 months, so my body had gotten used to it. When we decided we were going to take up the challenge of body change, I drastically changed my workout regime. Instead of just doing 45 minutes of the same cardio, I added 2 days of strength training (weights, kettle bells, etc) which I did for an hour or more, I added 2 days of spin class (which incorporates light weights) 1 day of intense Pilates or pilates class with 1/2 hour of cardio, 1 day of a TRX class, and the final day, I did 45 minutes of cardio such as kickboxing or stair master in combination with a short 15 minute ab, glue, or leg focused workout. At first, working out EVERYDAY was so hard, I was in a constant state of soreness. But as the weeks passed, my body got used to working out more intensely, and soon, was craving it. Now I feel so gross if I don't do some sort of workout everyday (not to mention, I have trouble sleeping), but for the past month, I have done really well and worked out everyday.

In addition to the modified workout plan, we started to take supplements that are proven to help with fat loss and endurance during workout. We added L-Carnotine (Vegans and Vegitarians should take this because you can only really get this from meat) as well as Caffeine, White Willow Bark, Yohimbine, Forskohlii, and HTP at night. Normally, I don't agree with supplements, but we read a research based, highly regarded publication (done independently as they do not sell any of the supplements as well as it being an independent company), by entitled "FAT Loss" that talks about supplements and what you should take for different reasons (its called a supplement stack). Not only does it include supplement stacks for fat loss, it also includes supplements to take for other reasons such as supplements vegetarians should take. The publication also includes proven, unproven, and cautionary supplements, what each supplement is, how it works, and what it is good or not good for. It is a great read and very educational and I would highly recommend this publication (it is also a short read!).

After following this workout plan for a little over 2 months, I have definitely seen an improvement. I can see my abs again, I have lost 2lbs and 2% body fat as well as a couple inches here and there. I can see muscle gain and better muscle definition all over. I can not wait to see the results in a month from now!

Here is a pic from 2 months ago:

And here is one from today:


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