Happy Easter! Easter is one of those holidays where a special meal, that takes hours to make, is expected on the table. I was getting really bored making the same sides every year so this year, I decided to shake it up. Instead of a Tofurkey, I purchased a Field Roast (yes already prepared, I just heated it in the oven). As it didn't come with any sort of gravy or dressing I decided to make my own, which you can find
here. For sides, I made my traditional sweet potato casserole, I purchased some rolls, and I tried something new this year, citrus glazed carrots and beets. And they turned out amazingly! They make a great spring side dish.
Citrus Glazed Beets and Carrots
Serves: 4
Takes 40 minutes
Finished beets, onions, and carrots. |
What you will need:
- 1 bag Sweet Pearl Onions (peeled with ends cut off)
- 3 Garlic Cloves (minced)
- 1 Orange (cut in half, one half peeled)
- 1 Bunch Rainbow Carrots (peeled, with tops cut to 1 inch)
- 4 Beets (peeled with tops and roots cut off)
- 1 TBS Light Agave Nectar
- 4 Fresh Thyme Sprigs
- 2 Fresh Rosemary Sprigs
- 2 Bay Leaves
- 3 TBS Olive Oil
- 2 TBS Champagne Vinegar
- 3 TBS Sea Salt
- 1 1/2 tsp Fresh Ground Pepper
Going in the oven. |
To make:
- Preheat oven to 425.
- In a bowl, mix together onions, 1 TBS oil and vinegar, 1 TBS salt, and 1/2 tsp pepper together.
- In a separate bowl, mix beets, 1 TBS oil and vinegar, 1 TBS salt, and 1/2 tsp pepper together.
- Place onions on aluminum foil and fold into a packet.
- Place beets into a separate sheet of aluminum foil and fold into a packet.
- Place both on a baking sheet, then place in oven for 10 minutes.
- While those are cooking, cut the peeled orange half into 8ths.
- Place orange slices, juice of the other half of orange, carrots, and the rest of the ingredients into a bowl and mix together.
- Take onions and beets out of the oven.
- Mix onions into the carrot mixture.
- Place carrot and onion mixture in a baking dish along with beet packet.
- Bake 30 minutes.
- Take out of oven and remove thyme, rosemary, and bay leaves.
- Serve with your favorite entree.
Roasted veggies for Easter Meal. |
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