Citrus Glazed Beets and Carrots

Happy Easter! Easter is one of those holidays where a special meal, that takes hours to make, is expected on the table. I was getting really bored making the same sides every year so this year, I decided to shake it up. Instead of a Tofurkey, I purchased a Field Roast (yes already prepared, I just heated it in the oven). As it didn't come with any sort of gravy or dressing I decided to make my own, which you can find here. For sides, I made my traditional sweet potato casserole, I purchased some rolls, and I tried something new this year, citrus glazed carrots and beets. And they turned out amazingly! They make a great spring side dish.

Citrus Glazed Beets and Carrots

Serves: 4 
Takes 40 minutes

Finished beets, onions, and carrots.

What you will need:

  • 1 bag Sweet Pearl Onions (peeled with ends cut off)
  • 3 Garlic Cloves (minced)
  • 1 Orange (cut in half, one half peeled)
  • 1 Bunch Rainbow Carrots (peeled, with tops cut to 1 inch)
  • 4 Beets (peeled with tops and roots cut off)
  • 1 TBS Light Agave Nectar
  • 4 Fresh Thyme Sprigs
  • 2 Fresh Rosemary Sprigs
  • 2 Bay Leaves
  • 3 TBS Olive Oil
  • 2 TBS Champagne Vinegar
  • 3 TBS Sea Salt
  • 1 1/2 tsp Fresh Ground Pepper

Going in the oven.

To make:

  1. Preheat oven to 425.
  2. In a bowl, mix together onions, 1 TBS oil and vinegar, 1 TBS salt, and 1/2 tsp pepper together.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix beets, 1 TBS oil and vinegar, 1 TBS salt, and 1/2 tsp pepper together.
  4. Place onions on aluminum foil and fold into a packet. 
  5. Place beets into a separate sheet of aluminum foil and fold into a packet. 
  6. Place both on a baking sheet, then place in oven for 10 minutes.
  7. While those are cooking, cut the peeled orange half into 8ths. 
  8. Place orange slices, juice of the other half of orange, carrots, and the rest of the ingredients into a bowl and mix together. 
  9. Take onions and beets out of the oven. 
  10. Mix onions into the carrot mixture.
  11. Place carrot and onion mixture in a baking dish along with beet packet. 
  12. Bake 30 minutes. 
  13. Take out of oven and remove thyme, rosemary, and bay leaves. 
  14. Serve with your favorite entree.

Roasted veggies for Easter Meal. 


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